Wege und Ittwege der Entwickslungspotlitik by Das Experimentieren an der Dritten Welt Toni Hagen
Wege und Ittwege der Entwickslungspotlitik
Das Experimentieren
an der Dritten Welt
Toni Hagen
Verlag Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Zurich
J988, 38 Swiss Francs
Review by Claus Euler
The "Third World" continues to get mired ever deeper in crisis even as the economic structures to exploit the national resources become cemented. There is increasing ecological awareness in the capitals of developing countries, but such awareness seems to have no chance against political pressures. The lives of creatures — humans, animals and plants — are sacrificed on the attar of the shortsighted and ruthless consumer needs of the industrialised countries and "Third World" elites.