Refugees from Myanmar flee into Thailand in April. Hundreds of thousands have fled to neighbouring Thailand and India to escape the fighting in Myanmar, but their safety and rights are not guaranteed in either country.
Refugees from Myanmar flee into Thailand in April. Hundreds of thousands have fled to neighbouring Thailand and India to escape the fighting in Myanmar, but their safety and rights are not guaranteed in either country. IMAGO/SOPA images

How Thailand and India continue to fail Myanmar refugees

Refugees from the war in Myanmar live in fear of harassment, imprisonment and deportation in the border areas of Northeast India and Thailand

Makepeace Sitlhou is an independent journalist and researcher with a special interest in the Indian Northeast, reporting on politics, gender, governance, conflict, society, culture and development.

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FELIX SAT CROSS-LEGGED next to his wife on the floor of a rented parlour-sized room that one could mistake for a Zumba studio. The hall was situated in an upscale area of Mae Sot, a city on the western edge of Thailand, near its border with Myanmar. Felix was not there to learn to dance. He was there to help other refugees from Myanmar, who come here to learn to bake bread and pick up other survival skills. The refugees had all come to Mae Sot after fleeing air strikes and forced military conscription back home.

The space was run by Heroes Assist Migrants, or HAM, a Myanmar citizens’ initiative that works with the refugee community in Thailand. HAM’s founder, Kaori, who asked to be identified by a single name, collaborates with leaders in the refugee community, such as Felix, to help others who have come to Mae Sot.

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