Gandhi in the grip of violence
In the Ashutosh Mookeriee Memorial Oration delivered in Calcutta on 4 July 2005, the Governor of West Bengal and grandson of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Gopalkrishna Gandhi — diplomat, bureaucrat and thinker — spoke on the Mahatma's experience at the giving and receiving end of violence.
There is almost a practice with us, of putting our good and great, including our unorthodox reformers, on a pedestal, enshrining them, and thereby creating new orthodoxies. In India, iconoclasts become icons themselves and idol-breakers become idols. Atheists have temple-like shrines built to them, non-conformists want conformism among their followers, dissenters seek assenters. As a people we take to praising when appreciation would do, adulating, deifying and worshipping when honest, sincere acknowledgement is all that is needed. Cults are wrong; they obscure the human being in the aura of veneration.