Notes across borders

Notes across borders

A call for your writings, photos and artwork in the time of COVID-19.
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Note: You can read the reflections and artworks we have published so far. 

As we write this, the coronavirus crisis continues to make dangerous headway into Southasia; over 1800 cases of COVID-19 infections have been reported in the region. After weeks of hedging, most governments in Southasia have begun lockdowns of cities and borders in an effort to 'flatten the curve', or suppress the outbreak of COVID-19. Colombo, where Himal Southasian's office is based, is entering the sixth day of curfew, and us, our second week of working remotely.

Countries have started closing their borders to visitors, and in some cases, their citizens. Services and businesses are winding down with no clear indication of when or if they might restart. Like most of the world, Southasia is undergoing a collective shutdown of a scale not seen in generations. Such a jolt to our routines, our plans and our way of being is certain to leave an imprint on us and our communities.

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Himal Southasian