Artwork by Mika Tennekoon
Artwork by Mika Tennekoon

'Lord Almighty, Grant Us Riots!': a translated Hindi short-story

A short story by Anil Yadav, translated from Hindi by Vaibhav Sharma

Note from the translator:

This story is taken from a short-story collection forthcoming in translation from Penguin India titled Courtesans Don’t Read Newspapers. It tells the tale of a Muslim weavers’ colony in the city of Varanasi. The colony floods every year, and nobody cares for these people and their plight. They are dependent on boats as they wade through raw sewage and are forced to live in deplorable conditions. This time around, though, something different is afoot: the water is talking back to the bereaved boys of the Mominpura Cricket Club.

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Himal Southasian