(Translated from Urdu by Alison Shaw and Mohammad Talib. This short story is a part of the web-exclusive series that complements our latest print quarterly 'Diaspora: Southasia Abroad'. See more fiction published by Himal Southasian.)
"Darling, we ought to get married as soon as possible," Jenny said in a timid voice, sitting on a chair and waggling her shoes.
"Why," Ahmed suddenly paused from slitting open a blue envelope.
"Because I'm going to be a mother," Jenny said, as she stood up and unzipped her dress to take it off.
His hand on the half-opened aerogramme, Ahmed stood startled by what Jenny had said. Jenny opened the wardrobe, hung her dress on a hanger and then turned round as she closed the door. "What's the matter, darling? Why have you suddenly gone quiet?" She put her arms round Ahmed's neck, "Aren't you happy?"