Artwork by Mika Tennekoon
Artwork by Mika Tennekoon

'Chow mein': a translated Nepali short-story

A short story by Durga Karki, translated from Nepali by Sandesh Ghimire

Durga Karki is a lawyer by training, journalist by interest and a writer by passion. She writes both fiction and non-fiction in various national dailies and online portals on issues ranging from feminism to federalism. Her first book - a collection of short stories - 'Kumari Prashnaharu' was published in 2020. Chowmein is part of her book.

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Note from the translator: 

Chow mein is a short story from Durga Karki’s first book Kumari Prashnaharu, a collection of short stories, published by Nepalaya in 2020. Set on a small hilly hamlet, near the ferocious Marsyangdi river, Chow mein is a story of a teenage girl who discovers the absence of her father, and projects her desire for a father on all the male figures in her life. The story culminates in an encounter with her father, but Kamala does not recognize her father until after he has already left the village. Chowmein was shortlisted in the Bharakahari short story competition in 2019.


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