Ties That Bind: Gurkhas In History
Indeed, it is the Gurkhas' service in foreign armies for more than 170 years on which the Gurkha legend was born. But what lie behind the "stuff" of legend are men and women with lives and circumstances rooted in the Nepali hills. For hundreds and thousands of these hill people, the tenure in foreign armies was and remains the chief means to a livelihood and, often, a better life. It has provided generations of youth prestige in their own societies and exposure to the outside world.
Today, four decades after Nepal supposedly stepped into the modern age, the largest single employer of Nepalis (not counting His Majesty's Government) remains, anomolously, the Indian military. Remittances by Nepalis serving in the Indian and British armed forces probably ranks among the fourth largest sources of the country's foreign currency earnings, and definitely account for the biggest infusion of cash into the economy of the hinterland.