Idea and Reality, Nepal and Rolpa

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The national-level politicians and political parties have failed Nepal, oblivious as they are of cynicism and desperation that is developing countrywide.

The national-level politicians and political parties have failed Nepal, oblivious as they are of cynicism and desperation that is developing countrywide.Nepal is passing through a critical state of transition. The institutional development of democracy can easily receive a serious setback if the key players on the national political stage do not play their cards skillfully and cautiously. The future of democracy will largely depend on the success of the people of Nepal and its leaders to bridge the gap between the country as constituted by law and the country as a reality. That this gap is widening into a chasm is amply visible in the violence that has overtaken central Nepal.

In welcoming parliamentary style government, the country has apparently wrenched off the roof of tradition but the fact remains that tradition always dies hard. It remains to be seen how Nepali polity will fare in the coming years. There is enormous disparity, as Carlos Fuentes would have put it, "between the revolutionary texts, the ideas and the reality, the acts, (and) what has actually happened" in Nepal.

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Himal Southasian