A tale of two civilisations

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Civilisationally speaking, we should be talking about the relationship between China and 'Indic' Southasia, rather than between China and the individual countries of our region. But there will be some romantic idealism attached to that notion, because the reality lies in the separate bilateral relations nurtured by each of our capitals with Beijing. And so, when we speak of Southasia's China policy, we are necessarily referring to the sum of seven or eight different China policies.

At Himal, we do not propose a one-size-fits-all China policy for all Southasia, but we do see the benefit in comparing notes between Islamabad, Delhi, Kathmandu, Dhaka and Colombo – if not between the diplomats then between academics, analysts and business leaders. It would surely be useful to have a minimally coordinated approach, especially as Beijing seems to have completely abandoned its ideology-export industry and become market-oriented and pragmatic in its dealings.

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Himal Southasian