The shroud of meritocracy

CK Lal is a writer and columnist based in Kathmandu.

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Whenever clouds melt

A few droplets get entangled in its leaves

And as the sun brightens

Tiny globules turn into glorious rainbows.

Amita Prajapati in Ek Dal Hai Ped Ki

One sixth of the human population has no place in the greatest show on earth. As in earlier FIFA World Cups, Southasians are once again mere spectators as the show proceeds in Germany. Selection for national football teams is not hamstrung with reservations, positive discrimination or affirmative action. And yet, none of the 'meritorious' youths of the privileged classes of Southasia excel in a game that requires complete coordination between agility of the body and alertness of the mind. Maybe once the quota for Other Backward Castes (OBCs) creates redundancy among the 'talented' progenies of upper castes, some of them will finally find their way to the sport stadiums.

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