Organisation doing work in the Himalayan region

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Society  for Himalayan Environmental Rehabilitation  and People´s   Action   (SHERPA)
SHERPA is a professional group which formed in 1985 to focus attention of governments and people "on the problem of the Himalaya, disseminating knowledge and maximising people´s participation in development of the region". The organisation says its choice of acronym is deliberate, "for a Sherpa is steady and sturdy…he is prepared to face natural and man-made calamities…he is not constrained by socio-ethnic and other such limiting factors…he has grit and is willing to transcend barriers and limitation".

The objective   of this Lucknow-based organisation is to monitor and understand the human-environment relationships, generate public interest for the preservation and regeneration of the Himalayan environment and to undertake applied research on socio-economic problems.

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Himal Southasian