Monsoonal mango

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I was recently asked by a friend to write a story, 'an imaginative, creative one'. There have been those who have remonstrated at the ease with which I am generally able to cook up a story and serve it up. But this time it did not work, for someone who claims that he can simply glance out of the window, or even at a blank wall, and come up with a dozen ideas. A tale just did not take shape.

Looking out of the window, there was the huge pipal tree, the rowdy crows, the traffic below, an Airbus landing across the valley, the scorching sun – but nothing crystallised. Funny short-story titles did come to mind: 'The Papal Pipal', 'The Crow Who Stole the Cellphone', 'Missed Approach, Cow on Runway' or 'How to Cross the Road When the Tarmac is Sticky'. But none moved from title to parable.

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Himal Southasian