2nd Panos-Himal Roundtable
The nuclear weaponisation of Southasia
Bellagio, Italy
July 2003
A group of journalists and scholars from India and Pakistan met by a lakeside in northern Italy recently to talk about a subject that is all important but little discussed back home – the nuclearisation of the Subcontinent. At the austere retreat in the village of Bellagio, the participants delved into not just the nuclear threat, but also all the underlying issues related to India-Pakistan tensions which threaten to take us down the road to atomic desolation.
Because we do not talk about the threat of nuclear annihilation does not mean it does not exist, and the South Asian enemies have come closer to potential use than other adversaries in the past. The density of population in South Asia, the short flight duration for ballistic missiles, the innate solvability of major India-Pakistan problems, all point to the 'nonsensibility' of contemplating the nuclear weapon as an option of choice or of bellicosity in the Indus-Ganga plains.